How to Make Homemade Popcorn More Healthy & Delicious!!

hippie kitchen recipes Dec 04, 2020

Popcorn is one of those snacks that is irresistible to include in a family movie night or just to create a quick snack for you or your kids! 

I love to make a big batch on the weekend or before the kids get home from school, when they are always so HANGRY! 

Who doesn't love popcorn? There are actually some health benefits to this snack, but beware many varieties and packaged options are not healthy! 

First let's talk about the pros.... 


🌾Is high in fiber, protein, AND carbs. 🤷‍♀️
🌾High in polyphenols (super antioxidants) that make it relatively healthy.
🌾Has many nutrients like manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, vitamins B3 & B6 and potassium.
🌾 While 90% of corn in the US is GMO, popcorn is not (at least for now)!

Now the cons...

There are some downfalls to previously popped packaged popcorn (say that 5 times fast!) which can contain chemicals and toxins that we really don't want in our our our kid's bodies. 

Just like: ...

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The 8 Major Benefits of Getting Sunshine Early in the Morning

(Wo)Man has become more and more disconnected with nature. 

Think back to 10K - 12K years ago when our ancestors literally LIVED in nature. The hunter-gathers were constantly outside, moving, foraging, hunting, and deeply connected to the cycles of the earth and of humanity. 

Fast forward to 2020, and many of us don't even step outside our homes! We constantly consuming digital media, wearing shoes, sleeping by fields of radiation... either emitted by our phones, lamps, TV's or whatever is on the other side of the wall. 

What many of us don't understand is that WE ARE NATURE! You cannot remove the human from nature. We are one in the same and this disconnection has created such enormous health challenges. Now is the time to close the gap and evolve humanity, through deepening our understanding of how to reclaim our health... and getting outside is just one step in the right direction! 

I had the pleasure of interviewing Beth Greer, aka. Super Natural Mom, and Dr....

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What is THE Truth?

Deep thoughts by Becky Wells....

As I scroll through different social media sites, it's hard not to notice the great polarity that is pulsating in our world.

Different ends of the spectrum screaming at the top of their lungs or laptops, striving to prove that what they believe is true and influence or change those minds that believe something completely different.

The thing is... what is the truth? Have you ever really asked yourself that question? 

Why is YOUR truth the truth and not someone else’s?

Our beliefs, or really what we deem to be “truth”, is merely a compilation of our filters, conditions, experiences, traumas, and belief-systems we’ve picked up throughout our entire lives.

We pick them up from our culture, family, friends, peers, media, society, and the ALL the information we chose to absorb and digest. 

This leads us to see that EVERYONE has their own version of truth, their unique bio-individual version of their truth.

How can we...

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Homemade Lip Balm

lip balm Nov 20, 2020

I have a confession to make.

I'm addicted to lip balm. Please tell me I'm not alone! 

Years ago, after discovering a main ingredient in Burt's Bees, my then favorite Chapstick, is canola oil... a concentrated toxic and chemical filled oil, I had to find something better.

I mean you put this on your mouth and don't tell me you never lick your lips...

I was on a mission.

I searched Sprout's and Wholefoods. Every option was pricey and in a plastic containers. Boo. 

Using pure organic ingredients is key. The initial cost is higher than just buying a stick at the store, but the quality of your balm and cost per lip cover is ultimately less expensive... and not toxic!

Oh and let's not forget, made with pure and simple ingredients!!

We don't need to put toxic chemicals in or on our mouth my friends :) 

So here are my tips when making your very own lip balm: 

  1. Start with high quality white beeswax, shea butter, castor oil (or carrier oil of choice), and your favorite...
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My Dirty Socks Poem

funny life Nov 18, 2020

Please tell me there I am not the only one who deals with dirty socks PLAGUING my floors? What is it about boys (do girls do this?) leaving their dirty worn socks just sprawled on the floor? 

I get so tired of asking them to be picked up, I just save my breath and do it myself! In the spirit of this conundrum, my socks poem.... 

Thanks for reading :) 

In love, Becky 


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The Becoming of YOU.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. - Maya Angelou 

Do you know what scares me most? 

The idea of not fulfilling my mission on earth. Not fully living my truest soul-expression. 

The thing is, EVERY human being on this planet has a mission, a unique and bio-individual purpose that we are specifically designed to be embody during our life. 

Our soul longs to be heard and expressed. This is the longing so many of us feel as a void that must be filled with things, whether it be handbags, shoes, shopping, amazon packages (you can see what I tend to fill it with), drugs, alcohol, even exercise or nonstop working habits. There are millions of things one can try and fill the void with… but it can and never will be filled. It will only continue to long and crave it’s full expression without shame, fear, and self-doubt. 

What keeps us from living this optimal version of ourselves? 

There are a few things I’ve...

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Easy Veggie Breakfast Combos

Greens and veggies for breakfast may sound a little ridiculous…
I remember when I first heard about this idea of eating plants first thing in the morning, I thought, "why?"!
I was beginning each day with a bagel or scone and up to 5 cups of coffee. One of which was some high sugar fancy drink from Starbucks.
I had gained 20 pounds in one year due to this poor morning habit. I look back and just think how crazy it was that I had no clue why I was:
1. Always tired
2. Had low energy around 10am and 2pm EVERYDAY!
3. Bloated and gassy (so gassy)
4. Irritable
These were not the only symptoms going on. I had indigestion and my body constantly ached.
You see, what I realized was that when I began each day with processed simple carbohydrates and tons of caffeine, I set my day up for disaster.
The thing is our body will continue to crave sugar (that what those simple carbs turn into) and...
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Divine Smashed Acorn Squash

This is one of the simplest Fall squash recipes ever!

Acorn squash is vibrant in color and packed with nutrients. This is just one of the MANY plants Mother Nature has blessed us with that not only tastes divine, but is SO good for us! 

The bright orange flesh is full of vitamins C, A, and B... it has minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and manganese, which are ALL critical for health!

It's also ample with antioxidants that protect cellular health. 

Acorn squash is also a great source of fiber, which we all need more of in our diet!

Fiber feeds our good gut bugs, and if you are in my 14-Day Gut Reset Program, this recipe is for you (just skip the maple syrup!). 

This recipe is almost like dessert!

It's sweet, savory, and easy to pair with a clean meat!

I could eat it all day long. It's also a perfect and versatile carb that can take place of other starchy veggies, and is perfect in both sweet and savory recipes. 

Okay enough of it's magnificence, let's do...

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One SIMPLE Thing That Will Raise Your Vibration

Want to know a super simple thing you can do to increase your vibration and just overall feel better about yourself??
Do you? Are you ready?
This secret was revealed to me a couple years ago by my dear friend and mentor Angela Ferrari. I was going through her Shift Process (which is absolutely transformative) and this was just one of the many guided advice she shared...
She told me to stop leaving all my cute and fun clothes in my closet waiting for some event, occasion, evening, and/or gathering to happen in order to wear them. Wear them now!
What? That's stupid (legit response in my mind).
I thought that was completely ridiculous. I mean, I'm a mom of 2 boys, always in the kitchen, cleaning up after their messy asses, and tired (I looked it too).
I loved wearing my worn out sweat pants (or shorts), white tanks then turned gray with stains, and my favorite purple sweatshirt accompanied with holes galore.
Why would I wear my "nice"...
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How to Avoid GMO's Linked to Chronic Illness

 If you aren't already familiar with GMO's this post is for you! 

GMO's are one of humans biggest mistakes. What was once thought would be an idea that changed the world and fed the hungry, became one of the biggest lies that the world has ever known. 

GMO's are not safe. They have been linked to numerous chronic diseases. Before we dive into the health detriments of these organisms and the chemicals that accompany them, let's get a better understanding of what they actually are. 

GMOs simply stand for Genetically Modified Organisms.

These are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a lab through genetic engineering. This creates combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.

Sound appetizing? No, this is the epitome of messing with Mother Nature. Which has NEVER ended well. 

While many countries like, Europe, have...

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Get the Hippie Moms Winter Wellness Guide

Learn about the most potent herbs, foods, supplements, and spices that support the body and immune system when sickness arises! Discover a new way to approach the body when it is compromised and support it as it heals and restores itself! 


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