The Divine Feminine - Poem | Podcast

deep thoughts poem Jun 27, 2024

Dear beautiful Child of Light, 

What a gift to send you this message. I just love and adore all of you. 

I have just published a new podcast, titled Awakening the Divine Feminine where I share with you how toxic femininity has poisoned us into people pleasing, excessive attachment and control, deep insecurity, and constant mental agony. 

The time is now to reclaim this divine power and awaken to its benevolent force within us. I hope you listen in... 

I also read this poem at the end of the episode, and since many of you won't listen to the podcast, I want to share it here. 

Divine Mother
I sit in your womb.
Light hidden from my breath.
Uncertainty raptures my mind.
Fear of the birth
and the transmutation of the delusive beliefs I hold.
I linger in the void of darkness.

Tell me why I must feel fear.
Deep unworthiness rooted in each and every thought.
I eat crumbs off the floor.
Rags cover my sick and abandoned body.
I weep...

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Our Cage.

deep thoughts Apr 16, 2024
Hippie Moms
Our Cage.

In the damp dingy darkness, she yells out a guttural cry. 

Weak and broken, she adjusts herself once again with no relief.

Her joints ache from being deprived of space and having no room to stretch her legs. 

Scraps thrown between the bars; a deep hunger moves her to collect every morsel and she shoves it into her mouth.

Her teeth are rotted, and her hair is falling out.

The cage has once again grown too small for her. 

The bars rub on her skin and infected wounds torment her with vicious pain. 

She looks up with bloodshot eyes and no more tears to cry, she screams, "WHY MUST IT BE THIS WAY?" 

Her voice rings in my ears as I wake up with in a puddle of sweat. 

Shaken, I sit up and take deep breaths. 

My heart is beating quickly and my mouth is dry. 

I clumsily grab the glass of water and bring it to my mouth as it spills onto my chest. 

 "Are you okay?" I hear my...

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The Scoop on Dairy

Dairy is one of the most controversial food groups known to man! 

The famous "Drink Milk" campaign has many Americans brainwashed to believe drinking conventional milk is healthy. 

I'm here to share with you the fact that NOT ALL dairy is bad for you, however, the most important thing you can do when buying or consuming dairy, is buy the kind of dairy that is not full of hormones, GMO's, toxins, and void of probiotics, enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. 

As a human race, we have been consuming dairy products for approximately 9,000 years.

However, the animals from which that dairy came were grazed on mineral and vitamin-rich grass.

Nowadays, the cows who produce the majority of the milk for consumer consumption are sick and fed GMO feed and antibiotics to make them fat.

Recently information has come out that conventional dairy farmers are feeding their cow's candy! With the price of corn rising farmers are now looking at other types of food to...

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War and the Power of Intention

deep thoughts inspiration Oct 12, 2023

Peaceful human, 

It's hard to imagine that in today's world there so much conflict and suffering. 

That there are wars that take precious and pure lives in the name of hate and greed. 

Why hasn't man evolved? 

Listen to this blog post here.

Why do we continue to create war when it is obvious and evident that war never ever brings the justice and peace, we all yearn for? 

Isn't that what we yearn for? 


Why are we still fighting over that which is not ours to begin with, for all we have is borrowed and all will be returned to the great Mother as we transition to the next phase of our journey? 

Our minds build walls around our hearts and have forgotten that we are all linked in our cosmic and universal journeys.  

As I see unimaginable images of babies burned alive and innocent people crying over what is lost, it feels like a dream as I sit here at my desk, in my home, and thousands of miles...

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She poured the milk in a plastic sippy cup and...

Hello holistic warrior,

She poured the milk in a plastic sippy cup and put it into the microwave. 

[Listen to this blog post here]

Then she pressed the 30 second button. 

The little girl was so excited about her "milky" that she began a loud shrieking sound and was pulling on her mom's shirt. 

"She sure loves milk!" the mom smiled and said as she pulled the sippy cup out of the microwave and handed it to her daughter. 

The little girl ripped it from her hand and went running back to play with the other kids. 

At first, I found myself judging. 

This was over 6 years ago, and that part of my journey included a lot of judgement for moms and families that continued the path of mainstream. 

How could she give her that? I thought to myself. 

I had already learned to hate conventional milk, plastic, and microwaves, and this experience put them all together for me. 

Watching the little girl drink from that sippy cup made my stomach...

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She just did it.

movement Aug 28, 2023

Happy Monday bright and beautiful soul, 

 I had a little time yesterday morning. [Listen to this blog post here]

I was waiting for the bacon to cook, so, I popped on social media for a few minutes. 

I set my timer for 5 minutes, because if I don't, then 30 minutes will fly by and I'll find myself lost in the scrolling portal, and then my boys would complain about burnt bacon.

My intention was to find inspiration, quotes, memes, and posts that brought to surface something that I could share or write about with our beautiful community. 

We all need a little help finding inspiration sometimes. 

The first thing that popped up was a story on Facebook.  

It was posted by a dear and close family member. 

She is my soul sister and has been struggling the last few weeks. 

A mother of 5, with a brand-new baby. 

The video was of her precious toe-headed son walking barefoot on the...

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The Ancient Wisdom of the Body

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2023

My beautiful friend!  

Today I am so excited to share this podcast with you! 

It is ALL about the ancient wisdom of the body and how to activate it's innate healing capabilities. 

As we know the body is a very complex and magnificent organism. 

It requires specific things to keep it healthy. 

It is extremely intelligent and wise.

It was designed to carry us in our life's adventures.

In the most recent episode of the Hippie Moms Podcast, we talk all about honoring the ancient wisdom of our body. 

I share with you the simplest things we can do to truly heal our bodies, evolve, and grow in our lives.

Rather than buying all the supplements, superfoods, and following ALL the overwhelming health advice out there, I highly recommend focusing all your efforts on the 8 vital foundations of health.

We can spend all the money we have on the things we think will bring us health, but if we don't focus our attention on these 8...

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"What's wrong?" is what's wrong.

deep thoughts Aug 28, 2023


Radiant being, 

I hope this email finds you so well. Listen to this email here! 

Listen to this email here!

Today marks the first day back to school for our family. 

As I sit at my desk it is quiet and I am so grateful for undisrupted time to write to you, create, and to take care of all the things we do as moms.  

I had a huge realization recently and thought I would share it with you. 

It was about a week ago, it was getting late, and I was exhausted. 

It had been a long mom kind of day.

I had been up super early that morning to make time to hike, grocery shop, and meditate all before the boys woke up.

They have been sleeping in all summer long, and the mornings were prime time to take care of myself. 

On this particular evening all I could think about was getting into my comfy bed and closing my eyes.  

I noticed myself longing for the quiet and calm that comes with everyone in their beds and fast...

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The Journey of the Soul

deep Aug 28, 2023

My beautiful, beautiful friend, 

I'm so grateful to share with you today my creative translation and expression of what I believe the journey of the soul to be.

A mystical and magical voyage into the dense energetic field of earth so that we can learn the truth of who we are. 

I dive into this expression in the most recent episode of The Hippie Moms Podcast but felt called to share it with those who prefer to read, rather than listen. 

Of course, I highly recommend listening to the podcast as I add much more flare and insight to this writing. 

You can start streaming episode 152 here or just keep reading.... 

The Journey of the Soul
by Becky Wells

The soul yearns for adventure.

Listen to the audio version of just this post here....

It’s cosmic and curious nature longs to experience all that life on earth offers.

It conspires with the unseen to be hidden from the truth, from itself, so that it can know the truth,...

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11 Tips for Better Sleep

Uncategorized May 10, 2023

Mothers know the impact that lack of sleep can have in our lives. Feeling fatigued, confused, and irritable, we know how imperative it is to get a good night’s sleep.

However, with our overly stimulated and technology focused lives, our sleep suffers. Stress steps in and wreaks havoc on our body, relationships, and sleep habits.

Sleep allows our body to heal, fight illness, strengthens the immune system, repairs damaged tissues, detoxifies, balances hormones and maintains cognitive health. IT IS VITAL TO OUR WELL-BEING!!!!

1 in 5 people are estimated to have some type of chronic sleep disorder. Sleep deprivation also leads to weight gain by negatively affecting the hormones that tell us when we are hungry (Ghrelin) and the one that tells us we are full (Leptin).

In a recent study, it was shown that a single night of sleep deprivation leads to an unintentional ingestion of an extra 400 – 500 calories the following day!! AND those additional calories were almost always...

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