Optimizing the Rhythm that Rules Our Bodies

hippie tips Jun 16, 2022

Ridiculously beautiful human,

My husband and boys left for the annual school camping trip on Tuesday. 

Listen to the expanded version of this blog post on my podcast! 

I chose to stay home. 

I would usually attend these types of events and be excited to do so. 

I love being in nature, around kids, and even though I'm a novice when it comes to camping, I'm down to give it a go. 

A few days before they left, I vacillated on whether or not I should go. 

Honestly, I had a bit of FOMO and really wanted to connect with this amazing community. 

I knew I'd be missing out on some special times with my kids. 

I wanted to be there to help and possibly be a buffer for my husband in any awkward social situations. 

I was creating a lot of guilt around the thought of not going. 

However, I knew that my cycle was coming. 

The dates the trip were planned were the days leading up to my cycle. 

I shared this with a few of the moms at...

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This is what you are, Mama.

conscious living Jun 09, 2022

Hey beautiful, 

One morning this past winter I went in to wake my boys up for school. 


My eldest didn't look so well. 

The whites of his eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes. 

"Mom, I don't feel so good," he said. 

He told me his stomach and head hurt. 

I knew right away this wasn't a scheme to miss school and watch TV all day long. 

I felt his head and he was hot. 

Fevers are the body's defense mechanism to help it heal and fight the infection that's happening in the body. 

One of the worst things we can do it stop it.

[Read more about why and how to treat fevers naturally here.] 

I drew him a bath, put some salts in, and plopped him in with a cold wet town upon his forehead. 

He lay in the tub still and quietly moaning. 

My heart hurt. 

No mother ever wants to see her baby in pain. 

Thankfully I trusted that I could take care of him and I...

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What Race are we Running?

Hello Sunshine, 

I saw this posted on Instagram. 

It reminds me of years ago when I was in a race. 


A race to get healthier, happier, and more fulfilled. 

I had no idea that I was racing against myself. 

For so long I felt like I was just trying to keep up with the world. 

My mind was flooded with to-dos and overwhelmed with self-criticism. 

I could never live up to my own expectations. 

I was hyper-focused on keeping up my image and social media and trying not to drown in my habitual and negative thinking. 

I would rush through everything. 

It was like I had very little time to do anything and everything. 

I always felt overwhelmed and lived in my manic monkey mind. 

Running myself ragged took its toll on my body, my relationships, and especially my relationship with myself. 

My kids were suffering from all this rushing. 

You can see this rushed energy everywhere. 

The rush to...

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The Rudest Customer of the Day

Hello Generous Soul,

I think it's easy to forget the good in the world. 


So many of us get wrapped up in what's not working that we can't even see the beauty of life around us. 

The news, social media, maybe our neighbors and family tend to focus on reporting fear, illusions, and scarcity. 

BREAKING NEWS always happening, media manipulating the masses into mass psychosis who have forgotten reality and see through a fuzzy and filthy lens. 

Then we take our annoyed, frustrated, and scared personalities into the world and project it upon everyone else we forget that the veil of fear is easily taken off so that the truth can be revealed.

The truth that love is only what is real. 

I'm reading one of my favorite books, so far, by Jack Kornfield, The Wise Heart, A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology. 

It was recommended to me by my youngest's guide at school. 

Does that ever happen to you?

That you...

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The Peanut Butter Conundrum

hippie tips Jun 09, 2022

This past weekend I had the honor to see a dear friend of mine perform.  


She was a bright shining star and it was an event I will never forget. 

After as we ventured to the after-party, I got to finally chat with her dad and spend some time with her mom who is like a sister to me. 

One of the very first things her dad said to me, after some kind and heart-warming words, was, "Peanut butter, is peanut butter okay to eat?" 

I said, "Of course it is, AND the kind that only has two ingredients, peanuts and salt!" and then her mom chimes in with, "But not Jiffy!" 

"Oh no, I said... not Jiffy."

He looked sad... LOL

It was his favorite brand of peanut butter, and according to his wife, he had been eating it for a very long time. 

I could tell this was sad news to him. 

His wife had been preaching this news to him for who knows how long, yet he wasn't able to accept it.

He loves his Jiffy peanut...

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Toxins that Make us Fat and How to Avoid Them!

Have you ever heard of the term obesogens? 

[LISTEN TO MY PODCAST: How to Avoid the Chemicals that make us Fat]

It's a relatively new term that describes chemicals that influence and promote obesity in humans or animals.

They can be pharmaceutical and/or industrial compounds, like herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals used in beauty and household products that literally alter metabolic processes and predispose people to gain weight! 

If you haven't noticed, obesity is on the rise. 

Almost 50% of all adult Americans are obese and almost 20% of children ages 2-19 are considered obese. 

This is just insanity! 

Many people think that food and inactivity are the only culprits that contribute to obesity,  but toxins in our food, air, and homes can significantly alter how the body gains and holds onto fat. 

A biology professor at the University of California coined the term "obesogen" in 2006 when he discovered that...

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Sunscreen, Friend or Foe?

Hello Sunshine,

It's almost officially summertime as I write this...


My eldest came home last week after a day of play in the sun. 

He was out in the sun for almost 3 hours. He forgot his swim shirt at home and applied sunscreen to all major areas, except his shoulders and upper back. 

The tops of his shoulders were burnt to a crisp and he is still suffering. 

As summer approaches non-toxic sunscreen is always a hot topic in the Hippie Moms Facebook community

I mean, when we were little my parents would rub us down with whatever white goop they had to keep us from burning in the sun. 

Back then, no one had a clue what chemicals we were wiping on our bodies. 

When I was a teenager, I would lay in the sun for hours lathering my skin with the Banana Boat tanning oil spray with a meek SPF of 4.  

I have the freckles and age spots to prove it. 

Now that we are wising up, more...

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The Truth About Eggs

hippie tips sourcing food May 23, 2022


Are you an egg lover like me? 

If so, save this email and if you don't like eggs, you can skip this e-mail altogether! 

Listen to this blog post here

Because eggs are a regular part of my diet, I'm SUPER aware of sourcing them and want to share with you what to look for when you buy them, since companies use super shady marketing tactics to convince you they are healthy but in reality are laid by unhealthy sick chickens. 

I've noticed SO much confusion about eggs and I hope this email clears it up because first, we don't want to eat eggs from sick chickens, and second, we don't want to support companies who raise sick chickens and sell their eggs! 

Before we break it down, let's cover the whole "eggs are high in cholesterol"! 

Science told us at one time that a high degree of egg consumption increases your risk for cardiovascular disease due to the fact that eggs are high in cholesterol, BUT a large, long-term study has...

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Benefits of Coffee Enemas

I get how weird this may sound, or maybe it doesn't sound weird at all. 
I mean the more I get into truly caring and loving my body, I will do some of the weirdest and most uncomfortable things to keep my soul home primed and healthy. 
I first heard about enemas when I was really young. I would spend the night at my cousin's house and my aunt would let us watch the movie, Sybil. 
It was a really strange movie and was based on a true story about child abuse and deep psychological scars... perfect for young impressionable girls. LOL
The star, Sally Field, was so traumatized that she ended up with schizophrenia and having 16 different personalities. 
One of the things her mother would do was force her child to take enemas as a form of punishment. 
From a very young, I thought enemas were just that, punishment. 
I always wondered if people were actually punished by doing enemas. 
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Buttermilk Sour Cream Ranch Dressing

salad dressings Mar 08, 2022

When I was little we always got pizza from a well-known semi-fast food restaurant in Albuquerque, NM called Dion's. 

If you have visited or live in NM then you may even know Dion's. 

In my opinion, their food has gone WAY downhill and I won't touch it now, but when I was little I LOVED it. 

I remember going to my best friend's family's home for dinner one night. 

They were serving pizza from Dion's... and they did something that I could have never imagined, they were dipping their pizza in ranch dressing. 

My mind was blown! 

From then on every piece of pizza I ate was married with ranch dressing. 

Decades later when I finally woke up to what is in our food, my relationship with ranch dressing was terminated. 

Every bottle of ranch I found had horrible oils and MSG.... and many other things that I would never put into my sacred temple, where I lived... my body. 

THEN a few months ago I was sent a bottle of Secret Garden Magic Salt......

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GetĀ the Hippie Moms Winter Wellness Guide

Learn about the most potent herbs, foods, supplements, and spices that support the body and immune system when sickness arises! Discover a new way to approach the body when it is compromised and support it as it heals and restores itself!Ā 


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