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War and the Power of Intention

deep thoughts inspiration Oct 12, 2023

Peaceful human, 

It's hard to imagine that in today's world there so much conflict and suffering. 

That there are wars that take precious and pure lives in the name of hate and greed. 

Why hasn't man evolved? 

Listen to this blog post here.

Why do we continue to create war when it is obvious and evident that war never ever brings the justice and peace, we all yearn for? 

Isn't that what we yearn for? 


Why are we still fighting over that which is not ours to begin with, for all we have is borrowed and all will be returned to the great Mother as we transition to the next phase of our journey? 

Our minds build walls around our hearts and have forgotten that we are all linked in our cosmic and universal journeys.  

As I see unimaginable images of babies burned alive and innocent people crying over what is lost, it feels like a dream as I sit here at my desk, in my home, and thousands of miles...

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The Uneasy.

deep thoughts inspiration Oct 27, 2022

Hello fellow human, 

I like to think back to when humans lived 10's of thousands of years ago. 


Before the agricultural revolution. 

Before we began farming crops and domesticating animals. 

The human experience was SO different than today. 

Humans lived and survived by hunting and gathering their food, there were no grocery or convenience stores to "grab a quick bite". 

Contrary to popular belief, these humans did in fact have gardens, they were small, temporary, and always shifted to minimize impact to the soil. 

They wore animal skins on their body and under their feet.

The only light they saw at night was light from the stars, moon, and the fire that kept them warm and the animals distant.

They slept on the earth.

Their bodies were grounded and synced with the cycles of Mother Nature. 

They walked on average 9 - 25 miles every day. 

The sun warmed their...

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Stop making excuses and GO IN!

My alarm goes off at 5:22 am.


It gives me just enough time for two 8 minute snoozes, where I slowly wake up to the dark morning. 

I need this time to prepare to wake up. 

At 5:38 am I get out of bed, I open the doors to let the cool morning air in, I go to the bathroom, put on my warm robe, grab my headphones, and light a candle. 

I love the way the candle lights up the room. 

I find one of my favorite meditations or meditative music and I settle on my bed with a straight back supported by my soft headboard and extend my legs. 

I feel my body. 

"Good morning, body." I say to myself. 

I check into the universe that carries me everyday. 

It's the first thing I do. 

I notice any tension, tightness, and breathe deeply into the nook and crannies that store all my shit. 

I take somewhere between 8-10 deep deep breaths before I settle in. 

I always feel my shoulders and belly relax. ...

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Change this one word, change your life.

inspiration Mar 04, 2022

Check out episode 94 of The Hippie Moms Podcast where I dive deeper into this beautiful, empowering, and simple life strategy! 

I unrolled my mat in the back of the class. 

Life was hard at this moment. 

I was so stressed out and my body was screaming at me to listen. 

My lower back ached and my gut felt insanely gurgly. 

I knew I needed something so I headed straight to a yoga class led by my favorite instructor, Harmony. 

I loved taking her classes. 

Not only did she lead the most amazing, challenging, and sweaty classes, but the wisdom and insight she dropped always hit home with me. 

It was like she was speaking directly to me and today, I needed something to help me break free from myself. 

I felt tired of life and of all of its responsibilities.

This was even before kids and before I embarked on the most difficult and wonderful journey I'd ever experience, called motherhood. 

I thank God for the wisdom...

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How You Create Your Own Suffering... and what you can do to shift.

Happy 2022 my friends! I'm not sure about you, but in the past, I would always get disappointed around the holidays.  

I have huge expectations and the season never ever lives up to them.  

This year, I took a whole new approach and just reminded myself when I was attaching to some sort of outcome I could never control and to just breathe and be in the moment.  

I really focused on accepting what was coming up and just living in that space.. in reality.  

Instead of focusing on what I wish was different, I just appreciated the unfolding.  

Truthfully, I found myself many times wishing myself out of the experience and wanting to change it... then I would remind myself that that's just a waste of energy and what was happening now is perfect and exactly the way it's meant to be.  

How do I know this?  

Because that's the reality of it.  

Isn't it amazing that we do this in so many aspects of our...

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The Empty Boat

inspiration Nov 22, 2021

My dear friend, Kristin, shared in a group text a perfect story by Nhat Hanh. 

It was so beautiful and reminded me of the infinite power we have within us, well I just had to share! 
A monk decides to meditate alone. Away from his monastery, he takes a boat to the middle of the lake, closed his eyes, and begins to meditate. 
After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly feels the blow of another boat hitting his own. 
With his eyes still closed, he feels his anger build, and when he opens his eyes he is ready to yell at the boatman who dared to disrupt his meditation.
But when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was an empty boat, not anchored, floating in the middle of the lake...
At that moment, the monk reaches self-realization and understands that anger is within him, it simply needs the hit of an external object to trigger it. 
After, that whenever he meets someone who irritates or provokes his...
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Your Life is a Garden

inspiration Nov 08, 2021
When our lives begin we set in an empty garden with rich and nourishing soil and limitless potential.
We are granted the possibility for anything and everything to grow.
A vast empty canvas for us to create our lives and our fullest expression of what we bring to the world.
Our gift is deeply planted within the garden, awaiting us to create a healthy and harmonious container so that it can take root and grow.
We also have deep-rooted ancestral seeds to teach us lessons and show us how to become master gardeners.
Yet, soon after birth, we learn that our garden is not quite perfect.
We are told by others that our garden is lacking and just not enough.
It’s to this or to that.
It’s not quite this or not quite that.
Our culture and society show us their beautiful displays and tell us, “you see, this is how it is done.”
They throw their seeds in our precious soil and we...
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How to Begin to Own Your Creative Power

inspiration mindset shift Jul 19, 2020

 "Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, your right." – Henry Ford

We are ALL creative beings… infinitely expressing our thoughts, words, and actions that create the reality we exist in right now.  Regardless, if we are conscious of it or not, we are solely responsible for where we find ourselves today. Our lives are but a reflection of the collection and manifestation of ALL the choices that we’ve made throughout our entire lives.

Believe me, I have a hard time with this too. I mean, what about the people and circumstances in my life, aren’t they responsible for any part of this experience? My truth that I have come to understand is no, they aren’t. Every decision I make and continue to make perpetuates my experience regardless if I like it or not. I always have a choice, to continue creating with the same people and/or change my circumstances. It’s a fact. However, this doesn’t make changing our lives any easier.


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What are you feeding your brain?

inspiration Jul 09, 2020
Want a little secret to cultivating more happiness in your life?
Consciously choose what information you ingest!!
Waking up, turning on the news and scrolling through your social media feed is a recipe for unhappiness. Unconsciously choosing to absorb information that is NOT serving you and keeping you in a fear-based mindset leads to anxiety, depression, and a lack of motivation. No one is happy living in this state.
The quote by Finley Peter Dunne sums it up for how the media works to keep you coming back for more.
"Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable."
Yet NO comfort ever comes from the news as there is always the next "BREAKING NEWS" story or "THIS JUST IN".
When you choose to absorb and digest information that is fear-based, what do you think happens? It fills your being with scattered and dense energy. It feels uncomfortable like you need to do something, but you just...
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