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This is what you are, Mama.

conscious living Jun 09, 2022

Hey beautiful, 

One morning this past winter I went in to wake my boys up for school. 


My eldest didn't look so well. 

The whites of his eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes. 

"Mom, I don't feel so good," he said. 

He told me his stomach and head hurt. 

I knew right away this wasn't a scheme to miss school and watch TV all day long. 

I felt his head and he was hot. 

Fevers are the body's defense mechanism to help it heal and fight the infection that's happening in the body. 

One of the worst things we can do it stop it.

[Read more about why and how to treat fevers naturally here.] 

I drew him a bath, put some salts in, and plopped him in with a cold wet town upon his forehead. 

He lay in the tub still and quietly moaning. 

My heart hurt. 

No mother ever wants to see her baby in pain. 

Thankfully I trusted that I could take care of him and I knew he would recover. 

I went to the kitchen and immediately started a batch of bone broth. 

It's one of the very first things I do if any one of our health is compromised. 

I made a soft comfy bed on the couch for him to rest for the day. I also made a big glass of water and a cup of warm honey, lemon, and cinnamon tea for him to sip on when he was ready. 

He sipped but wasn't hungry. 

I sat with him for a while, just holding him. 

He moaned and I hated to see him in so much pain. 

When he was finally hungry, all he wanted was a piece of toast. 

He puked shortly after. 

He slept most of the day and sipped on bone broth as much as he could. 

That night, I had him sleep in our bed so that I could keep an eye on him. 

He puked on my bedspread and was feverish all night long. 

I held him skin to skin and slowly his fever descended. 

It finally broke around 4 am in the morning. 

I was so relieved. 

I knew he had the crud going around, the crud the entire world was fearful of.

Yet, I was not in fear. 

I trusted in his body so much and knew that his immune system was strong enough to fight and defend his beautiful and magnificent body.  

I knew it because I work endlessly to keep my family's bodies healthy and strong. 

The next day I could tell he was on the mend. 

He had a hearty breakfast, kept it down, and I loaded him up with supplements. 

Fish oil, magnesium, multi-vitamin, vitamin C, D, zinc, and the rest of the basics. 

The whites of his eyes began to clear up and his skin had color. 

He only lay on the couch in the morning and by mid-afternoon, he had so much more energy than he was playing basketball. 

Not once during his sickness did I think about calling the doctor. 

Not once while he laid feverish and puking was I questioning myself or his body's ability to heal. 

I'm his mom. 

I know him better than anyone else. 

No doctor could ever tell me how to care more for him than I know how to. 

No doctor could ever recommend an OTC medication that could even compete with the love, care, and knowledge of his mother. 

When I finally began to listen to that voice within, that gut instinct when it came to my children, I never had to ask anyone else their opinion. 

I didn't have to seek advice from anyone else. 

Don't get me wrong, we've had incidences that required stitches and services way beyond my scope of knowledge. 

Yet, when it comes to caring for the health of my children, I truly do not believe anyone else knows them better than I do. 

At one time, I put doctors on a pedestal. 

I believed them to be authoritarian figures that knew me and my children better than I did. 

In time, I finally realized that those doctors had no clue how to truly help us heal. 

All they wanted to do was to prescribe medications and never took the time to actually find out the cause of what we were experiencing and the reason we showed up in their office in the first place. 

I lost complete trust in doctors. 

So much so that we have not been to one in over 7 years. 

We've worked with partners in our health. 

Naturopathic and functional medicine practitioners don't stand above us, but beside us in our journey to creating optimal health in our lives. 

At a retreat I attended a couple of months ago, the wife of the Shaman said something that I will never ever forget. 

She said, "Mothers are the doctors of the family and their office is the kitchen."

When I heard these words unfolding before me, my whole body got chills. 

I felt this truth deep inside of me. 

I was the doctor. 

I was always prescribing food as medicine. 

Mother Nature was my pharmacy. 

I feel so supported by her and my own inner knowing that what I do every day is create wellness and true health in myself and my family. 

My true belief is that society and culture want us to not trust in ourselves or our bodies. 

We are always being told that we are not enough and need something outside of us to be healthy and happy. 

It's such a fucking lie. 

You, mama, are the doctor of the family and Mother Nature is your pharmacy. 

Follow your intuition. 

Follow your gut. 

That is always where you will find what you need. 

In love and honor, 

Becky Wells 
The Hippie Moms, LLC
The Hippie Moms Podcast

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