Elevation of Health Through Tea

Welcome to the wild world of tea! 

If you are a tea lover, well then I'm so glad you are with me!

There is a whole world to discover when it comes to teas and learning about all the benefits these medicinal leaves/plants can bring into our lives. 

First there are over 1,500 types of tea in the world!

But the most common are green tea, black tea, white tea, and oolong tea. All other teas are herbal teas which are infusions of a combination of plants, fruits, herbs and spices are caffeine-free. 

We will first explore the world of traditional teas and then mention just a few of my favorite herbal teas and all their benefits... and a few side effects. 

In my opinion the most powerful tea to consume is....  

Green Tea 

This is my absolute favorite tea! Green tea is the most popular teas in all the land. Green tea has been shown, in a number of exciting studies, to have many health benefits: 

  1. Boosts metabolism
  2. Improves skin quality (anti-aging...
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Gut Healing Clove Green Tea Recipe

In his latest book, Super Gut, Dr. William Davis blows my mind as he teaches his readers about gut health and the absolute necessities to heal, maintain, and build a healthy gut. 

My obsession with gut health has led me on a journey to discover all the things that Mother Nature provides us when it comes to creating and cultivating a healthy gut. 

If you're reading this, then I imagine that you know very well the importance of gut health. 

This combination of cloves, green tea, and the prebiotic inulin, provides the gut with an elixir that helps repair, rebuild, and maintain the intestinal mucus barrier that keeps pathogens and other health-compromising elements out of our blood stream. 

From his book he writes, "this tea combines the mucus-increasing effect of eugenol oil from cloves, the mucus protein cross-linking effect of green tea catechins, and the Akkermansia growth-stimulating effects of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (aka. inulin)." 

These three...

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Immune Supporting Tea Recipe

This is my go-to herbal tea recipe whenever my body is asking for a little support. 

It's so beautiful that Mother Nature has given us SO many incredible ingredients to help our body do what it does best, heal. 

This herbal tea contains specific ingredients to help soothe the respiratory tract, super charge the gut, aid our body's detoxification process, and serve up the antioxidants it needs to regenerate. 

I always make this recipe if my family or I have any type of symptoms being expressed that indicate that we are upgrading. 

Immune Supporting Tea Recipe 


  • 2 cups filtered water 
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp organic ground ginger or 2 tsp minced fresh ginger
  • 1/2 tsp organic ground turmeric or 2 tsp minced fresh turmeric root 
  • 1/2 tsp organic ground cinnamon (I love Ceylon cinnamon best!) or 1/2 cinnamon stick
  • Optional: 1/4 tsp organic ground cloves or 4-5 whole cloves
  • 1 tbsp. raw and unrefined honey


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How to Make Homemade Nut / Seed Milk

Once you taste homemade nut milk, you will NEVER buy synthetic vitamin, gum and carrageen infused, and chemical-laden nut milk again.

All the gums, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and additives added to seemingly healthy nut milks are a huge cause for concern. 

They are all linked to major digestive issues. 

Wondering why you feel bloated after drinking your coffee with oat milk? 

Read my blog post all about gums and how to avoid them. 

Learning about these gums and how they are linked to poor health catapulted me to making my very own nut milk and well, there’s just no turning back.

Nut milk is super easy to make and absolutely delicious. 

It takes a little foresight since we must soak the nuts/seeds overnight with a little bit of sea salt. 

Soaking helps break down antinutrients in the nuts and seeds AND helps soften them to make the nut milk creamy and so yummy.

So it's vital that we think ahead and make it happen.

First there...

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How to Make Your Coffee Healthier (Recipe Included!)

beverages hippie kitchen Sep 27, 2020

It is estimated that 64% of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day! 

A study published in 2005 by researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.) indicated that coffee was the number one source of antioxidants in the American Diet than from any other source. 

Our body needs antioxidants! These substances can help prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body produced by a reaction or response to an environmental stressors. 

Of course, I recommend getting your daily dose of antioxidants and nutrients from fruits and vegetables, but the fact is that only 1 in 10 Americans actually get enough fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. 

For the purpose of this post, we will focus on coffee and how to make the most of your morning cup of Joe.  If you have a cup of coffee everyday, this post may inspire you to up your coffee-game and take baby steps to make it healthier and infuse it with super...

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Learn about the most potent herbs, foods, supplements, and spices that support the body and immune system when sickness arises! Discover a new way to approach the body when it is compromised and support it as it heals and restores itself!Ā 


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