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Buttermilk Sour Cream Ranch Dressing

salad dressings Mar 08, 2022

When I was little we always got pizza from a well-known semi-fast food restaurant in Albuquerque, NM called Dion's. 

If you have visited or live in NM then you may even know Dion's. 

In my opinion, their food has gone WAY downhill and I won't touch it now, but when I was little I LOVED it. 

I remember going to my best friend's family's home for dinner one night. 

They were serving pizza from Dion's... and they did something that I could have never imagined, they were dipping their pizza in ranch dressing. 

My mind was blown! 

From then on every piece of pizza I ate was married with ranch dressing. 

Decades later when I finally woke up to what is in our food, my relationship with ranch dressing was terminated. 

Every bottle of ranch I found had horrible oils and MSG.... and many other things that I would never put into my sacred temple, where I lived... my body. 

THEN a few months ago I was sent a bottle of Secret Garden Magic Salt......

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Divine Greek Chickpea & Herb Salad

This herbaceous salad is one nourishing powerhouse meal! Loaded with TONS of nutrients, antioxidants, polyphenols, and most importantly it's fucking delicious. 

Summer and salads are meant for each other. There is nothing like a crisp, cold, and satiating salad in the summer evenings. I ALWAYS double the batch. This is a huge batch and fed my husband and I twice, with about one serving left over. 

I added lots of herbs to this salad. Parsley is super rich in antioxidants, has antibacterial properties, super rich in nutrients that supports eye health, and is high in vitamin C! 

Basil is also an important component in the salad and dressing. Basil is great for digestion, anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants, is great for our skin, and promotes a health gut! It's also a beautiful addition to make this salad even more freaking yummy! 

Last but not least, I added just a bit of fresh oregano. Oregano is one powerful herb. It's a really great antibacterial agent, has...

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