3 monthly payments of $300
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Personal Nutritional Therapy Program - 3 Monthly Payments of $400
Purchase now to book your first consultation!
What you'll get:
Ninety (90) day in-Depth Program combining nutritional science, food, and lifestyle advice and support for the promotion of optimal health, individual care, and well-being. -
Over $11,000 in Value
• Three (3)- one (1) hour consultations via Zoom Meeting or in person. One meeting every 4 weeks. - $750 Value
• Complete evaluation of your health, based on all symptoms, health concerns, family history, use of pharmaceuticals, and current lifestyle patterns - $850 Value
• Identify which systems of the body need the most support, and create a plan and implementation strategy to help the WHOLE body heal. - $1,000 Value
• Guidance and support implementing specific foods, supplements, and lifestyle choices to fit your bioindividual needs. $2,000 Value
• Access to high quality supplements curated for YOUR individual needs- Priceless!
1-Year Access to the 21 days of Clean Eating AND the 14-Day Clean Eating Detox Programs AND Facebook Groups! - Over $7,000.00 Value