$44.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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High Vibe Food with Becky Wells

Where Spirituality and Food Unite. 

Are you ready to discover yummy, beautiful, nourishing foods that will upgrade your body one day at a time? 

Join me in this 3-month high vibe food course to: 

  1. Learn about specific high-vibe foods that will upgrade, support, and nourish the body.
  2. Understand how to source, prepare, and cook high-vibe foods that you and your family love.
  3. Discover the ancient wisdom and sustainable skills to create food that is nutrient-dense, gentle in the body, and supports your optimal self.

This 3-month program will deliver you weekly inspiration to move you towards upgrading your food one step at a time. 

Each week you will receive one mini-lesson, corresponding recipe, and cooking class to supercharge your knowledge, skills, and deepen your understanding on how to create high vibration foods each week!